About Hanhagot and Sephirot

Most of the history of Homo Sapiens was under the Hanhaga (rule) of Partzuf Keter, or Arich Anpin, associated to the 72-letter Name. After the end of 72*1000 years of this Hanhaga, until the beginning of the Hanhaga of Zeir Anpin in year 1329, were 1440 years. They were ruled by the Parzufim under Keter and above Zeir Anpin. In decreasing order of elevation, these are Chochma, Bina, and Da'at. In between the length of Keter (72), and that of Da'at (135), Bina and Chochma have length 100. Chochma ruled over the first 5*100 of the 1440 intermediate years, Bina over the subsequent 4*100, and Da'at over the final 4*135 years.

From the rule of Chochma in year -111 until 6129 are 6240 years, by Hashgacha a number close to 6000. These are the years that saw the rise and the evolution of human culture. The word B'Reshit hints, via the letter Bet, at two beginnings, the first through Keter and beyond, and the second through Chochma. During the ages, until modern times, the beginning through Keter was not known. Only the beginning through Chochma was revealed. Correspondingly, the world was held to be young. Correspondingly, the final redemption could not come until our times.

The rule of Zeir Anpin reaches from 1329, when the Shechina came down at Mount Sinai, until 6129. These 4800 years are naturally divided in six periods of 800 years, with each period associated to one Sephira of Zeir Anpin: Chesed, Gevura, Tiferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod.

This is at variance with the traditional attribution of 1000 years to every Sephira, but this is not a real problem. The 800-years attribution cannot be stated without revealing the non-physical nature of the years of Malchut. Secrets are secrets (Raya Mehemana Tzav 28a). The wise will understand and the practical difference is not big. The Arizal started teaching in the very beginning of the period of Yesod. In the same vein, notice that the beginning of the Hanhaga of Da'at and the beginning of the period of Hod coincide.

Chazal divide human history into three equal parts - the period of Tohu, the period of Torah, and the period of Moshiach. We can now understand this teaching in a new light. The period of Tohu was from Yetziat Mitzrayim until Eliyahu (physical year 2929). The period of Torah was from the secret work of Eliyahu and other prophets until the secret work of the Stammaim, the editors of the Talmud. After 4529, the end of the 1200 years of Galut, is the period of Moshiach.

Ergo, mentions of 1000 years in our sources may refer to 800 physical years. Scaling 1000 to 800, 600 becomes 480. The Zohar in Vayera 117 announces the revelation of upper and lower Chochma 600 years into the last "day" of history. This may therefore be taken to refer to 480 years after 5329, a parallel to the 480 years of the first day until Bayit Rishon and Shlomo HaMelech.

The first half of every day of 800 years is to be considered its night, followed by sunrise, followed by daylight. With this, history is naturally divided into units of 400 years. Since Bayit Sheni, the 400 year periods start with years 3729 (day four, start of Roman hegomony over the land of Israel), 4129 (sunrise day four, end of Sanhedrin), 4529 (day five, closing of the Talmud), 4929 (sunrise day five, Rambam), 5329 (day six, Arizal), 5729 (sunrise day six, Jewish control over the Land of Israel).
